July 28, 2013

Survey of Classical Singers

If you are a trained/training classical singer I would like to ask for your help by filling out this short online survey by August 15.

The survey is completely anonymous, unless you choose to leave your name & email address for the draw...one respondent will win a free one-hour coaching with me.  (Winner need not necessarily live in Toronto as I do quite a bit of traveling.)

Many thanks for your help in responding and in sharing this link with other singers who may be interested in this.

The link to the survey is: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JZ7J6FD

July 22, 2013

A tiny taste from the pop-up program

On Saturday, 3 days after deciding to put on a "pop-up" recital, Drew Santini (baritone) and I enjoyed performing for a wonderful audience in Stratford. Thanks to Andrew Hancock we have 15 seconds of video to share from that event; just a phrase or two...(click on the link)
http://instagram.com/p/cAG-CdEDq9/  ...from "The Salley Gardens, arranged by Benjamin Britten.

July 3, 2013

Yesterday this happened...

  • I take this to confirm that I am in the right place at the right time. 

    ...etc.  So we did the coaching spontaneously right then. Planning ahead is so over-rated anyway.

    By the way, yesterday was kind of my first day of actually being resident in Toronto since I came back from Europe. Magical.