August 24, 2014

Study trip to Norway

I am thrilled to have an opportunity to visit Norway, Edvard Grieg's homeland, this November. I will be studying the Norwegian language and working with experts on Grieg's song repertoire. Updates on what I am seeing, hearing, and learning will follow.

The Royal Norwegian Embassy and the Association for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in Canada and the Ontario Arts Council have given me grants toward this project. I also have a crowd-funding campaign going in order to cover the remaining costs. If you would like to invest in the future training that I will be offering Canadian singers on Grieg's richly beautiful vocal repertoire, please consider the following levels of support:

SUPPORTER $29+  I will send you a gorgeous postcard from  Norway with a personalized message.
IMPRESARIO $297+  A house concert in your own home and acknowledgment on
To make a donation, please click HERE,
( or email mogenpianist at gmail dot com or call 647 405 SONG ).

Deep appreciation to:
Carolynn Bart Riedstra and Lutzen Riedstra Sr. 
Kelly Walker and Ray Harsant 
Eleanor Kane
for being Investors in this project.

And to:
Marcia Matsui and Roger Cotton
The Space Within (Karen and Bill James-Abra, Linda Mackay, Martine Becu, Anne-Marie Lappano)
for generous support at the level of Impresarios.

August 8, 2014

An Evening of Song

Stratford born baritone, Lutzen Riedstra, and I will be offering "An Evening of Song" to the Stratford community on Sunday, August 24 at 7pm, at St. James Anglican. Lutzen is a hugely talented young musician, about to enter his third year of study in Voice Performance at the University of Toronto. I love to collaborate with Lutzen as we have known each other since he was quite young, and as he was the best friend of my late son, Kieran.  Hope you can come and hear Lutzen and enjoy his exceptionally beautiful voice!